
Mr. Hauser - 6th Grade
Course Information2009-2010 
Room 342
Phone: (248) 351-0000, ext. 1616
 Curriculum Overview: Science:The students will study Life, Earth, and Physical Science. We will explore populations and communities, plate tectonics and the rock cycle, as well as forces and energy. The students will also have a variety of lab experiences exploring changes in matter and practicing the Scientific Method and measurement. All students are required to take part in the Science Fair.
 Math: The 6th grade curriculum has a strong focus on fractions, decimals, percents, problem solving, data graphs, and algebra. Instruction will include hands on activities with the students often working in pairs or groups.  
Suggested 6th Grade Supplies:These are the supplies needed for all subjects:   

7 composition notebooksBinder with 8-10 pocket dividers6  - double pocket folders (1 red & 1 green)Looseleaf paperFlashdrive Index CardsPencil box with the following items:
  • Pencil sharpener (with cover)
  • Markers
  • Colored pencils
  • Glue stick
  • Highlighters
  • Pens – red pens for checking work
  • Pencils
  • Erasers
  • Dry erase marker
 Materials needed for home use:
  • Ruler
  • Protractor
  • Compass
  • Scissors 
  • College dictionary
  • College thesaurus
  • Multiplication and division flash cards
 Items for classroom use:
  • 1 box of tissue
  • Hand sanitizer with pump
  • 1 roll of paper towel
  • 1 container of disinfectant wipes

    Class Policies: 
  • Once class has begun, the students are not allowed to go to their lockers; therefore, they MUST come to class prepared and ready to learn.
  • Homework is an important part of learning- this is when they practice what they learned in the classroom. There will be homework assignments 3-4 days per week.
  • All math assignments MUST be completed in pencil. I will not accept any math work completed in pen. Students may do science work in either BLUE or BLACK pen only. In addition, all work must be shown in order for the students to receive credit for the assignment. NO WORK = NO CREDIT!
  • All assignments are to be properly labeled – any paper not correctly labeled will have points deducted. All work turned in without a name will be thrown away.
  • Homework is typically due the following day –late papers will receive a 10% deduction for each day they are late. Missing assignments will be completed at Saturday Homework Support.
  • If a student is absent, they have one day for each day they were absent to make up the work. Absent work that is turned in late will be subject to the 10% deduction as stated above.
  • All students are required to bring reading material with them each day as part of the Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) program. Failure to adhere to this will result in the loss of participation points for the day.
 Class Rules: 
  • Be Ready.  Students are expected to have pencils sharpened, paper available, textbooks, notebook ready, and homework ready when class starts.
  • Be RESPECTFUL. Students are expected to be respectful to all teachers as well as all fellow students.  Pay attention while your teacher is instructing the class.  Unnecessary comments towards classmates should be avoided at all times.
  • Be RESPONSIBLE. Students are responsible for the actions they take.

 Discipline:  Please refer to the Bradford Academy Middle School Student Code of Conduct.

   The steps of the Classroom Behavioral Management System are: ·       

Teacher will verbally correct the student’s inappropriate behavior.·       

Teacher will send student to another classroom to complete REFOCUS form. Accumulation of 3 refocus forms will result in 5pts.·       

Teacher will call home and/or notify parent in writing of inappropriate behavior. ·       

Teacher will send student with a referral to the principal, vice principal, or his/her designee.

 Saturday Homework Support:  Students that have missing assignments will receive notice for Saturday Homework Support. A parent/guardian MUST attend with the child from 8:00-10:00 am in the middle school cafeteria. Please see the Bradford Academy Middle School Student Code of Conduct for further information.

 Science Labs:  Due to the nature of this course, students will participate in inquiry experiments to gain knowledge on the area of study as well as come to their own conclusions.  All students can and should learn science by conducting laboratory investigations, however it is important that proper safety procedures are followed. Please review and talk to your student about the following laboratory rules:

·        Do not move around the room without the instructor’s permission. Unexpected and unnecessary movement around the room causes accidents.

·        Do not touch equipment/materials without permission. If glassware or equipment is broken, notify instructor IMMEDIATELY. Do not handle broken materials yourself.

·        No horseplay in class or during lab. Practical jokes, pranks, etc. are prohibited.

·        Never put any materials in your mouth. There is no eating or gum chewing in the classroom unless students are given permission.

·        Clean up spills immediately and report all accidents to the instructor.  Notify the instructor of any unsafe conditions you observe. The lack of adherence to the lab rules will result in the loss of lab. If a student loses lab time, they may still watch the lab but may not touch or participate in experimentation. They are still responsible for the lab paper, data, and results, which is to be turned in at the end of each lab. Students who lose their lab time may also have to complete additional assignments to make up for the loss.  Science laboratories teach the skills of problem solving and the scientific method.  In order to teach these skills effectively, the students are guided through the lab through information on the lab handouts. At times, labs take more than one day or questions need to be completed at home. The students are responsible for completing the lab in class and returning the handout to class if taken home. If a student loses their lab handout, they will receive a zero for the lab. 


Assignment Value of Total Grade:

Classwork                        25%

Homework                       20%

Projects and Tests                     30%

Participation           10%

Quizzes                  15%

 Grading Scale: 

100 - 90%              A

89 – 80%               B

79 – 70%               C

69 – 60%               D

59% and below      F